I’m a bilingual (English/Spanish) Marriage and Family Therapist with five years of experience treating cultural diversity issues. I hold an MA degree in MFT from Notre Dame de Namur University with a specialization in Art Therapy. I am trained in EMDR and I am certified as a Child and Adolescent Trauma Professional.
I believe every individual is unique and finding the strength to defend that uniqueness is my goal as a clinician. Many times, we find ourselves dwelling in a place of discomfort because we are in transit, in a new position, a new career, a new family or a new country. We are living constantly transitioning from one culture to another one, through life phases, starting new traditions. My goal is helping you to succeed in your own special journey.
Soy completamente bilingue, tengo 5 años de experiencia tratando problemas relacionados a diversidad cultural. Yo creo que cada quien es único y encontrar las fuerzas para defender esa posición es mi meta como terapista. Yo creo que siempre estamos entre una cultura y otra, ya sea porque venimos de otro país, otra familia, otra fase de la vida o carrera.
Mi meta es ayudarte a encontrar ese camino especial donde te encuentres comodo contigo mismo.